You can sell an NFT at a fixed price or through auctions.
Sell at Set Price: Sell at a specified price
1. Access the Details page of your NFT
2. Click [Sell]
3. Enter the desired sale price and duration in Fixed Price (enter the address of the buyer if you wish to sell to a specific person)
4. Click [Complete Listing]
5. Approve from wallet
English Auction: Set the starting price and duration to sell to the highest bidder during the period
1. Access the Details page of your NFT
2. Click [Sell]
3. Select Sell to Highest Bidder in Timed Auction
4. Enter starting price and duration
5. Click [Complete Listing]
6. Approve from wallet
Dutch Auction: The price of NFTs decreases continuously from the highest (starting price) to the lowest (ending price) for a set period of time.
When the desired price is reached, the prospective buyer can bid on the NFT to purchase it.
1. Access the Details page of your NFT
2. Click [Sell]
3. Select Sell with Declining Price in Timed Auction
4. Enter starting price, ending price, and duration
5. Click [Complete Listing]
6. Approve from wallet